Okta Personal for Workforce User Experience

Reference this page to see how enabling Okta Personal for Workforce will impact your organization's admin and end user experience.

Admin Settings

Note: Only the below Okta Admin roles can view and edit Okta Personal for Workforce settings for their organization:

  • Super Admin
  • Org Admin
  • Custom Admin with 'Manage Customizations' permissions

While in Early Access, Okta Personal for Workforce can be enabled by navigating to Settings > Features > Early Access in the admin console.

An Okta Personal for Workforce settings page will appear under Customizations in the left navigation bar once you enable the feature, where you can:

  • enable/disable end-user interface updates* (see here)
  • set preferences for app migration: specifically, you can enable/disable app migration and restrict apps with custom email domains from being migrated from Okta Workforce to Okta Personal.

End User Experience

The following features are only visible to end users when the Okta Personal for Workforce 'End-user interface updates' setting (see image above) is enabled.

Dashboard account switcher

Entrypoints into Okta Personal

Display Logic:

  • Only display for employees whose Okta accounts have been activated for at least 10 days, so as not to distract new employees
  • Only display if you have enabled 'End-user interface updates' on your Okta Personal for Workforce settings page

Dismiss Logic (for most entrypoints):

  • Clicking 'Not now' dismisses the entrypoints for 15 days
  • Clicking 'Not now' three times will permanently dismiss the entrypoints
  • Clicking 'Get started for free' will permanently dismiss the entrypoints
Entrypoint name Description Image
Generic dashboard banner A Workforce dashboard entrypoint into Okta Personal

Personalized dashboard banner A Workforce dashboard entrypoint for users with personal apps, pointing out which personal apps they've saved to their work account and encouraging them to store them in a dedicated, secure Personal account.

App view dashboard entrypoint This entrypoint into Okta Personal will appear when a user opens the app details of a personal app saved within their Okta Workforce account.

App save plugin entrypoint This entrypoint into Okta Personal appears when a user logs into a new app or creates a new third party account, prompting them to save their credentials to an Okta Personal account.

Generic plugin entrypoint This entrypoint into Okta Personal appears when a user opens their Okta Workforce plugin.

Autofill plugin entrypoint This entrypoint into Okta Personal appears when a user visits a personal site that they have saved to Okta Workforce, prompting them to try saving their personal credentials to Okta Personal instead.

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