Create an account

Create an Okta Personal account to make digital living seamless and safe.

Sign up on iOS and Android

  1. Download and install the Okta Personal mobile app (iOS, Android)
  2. Click Sign in.
  3. Enter your personal email address.
  4. Enter the one time passcode sent to your email address.
  5. Provide your first and last name to complete your Okta Personal profile.
  6. Enable Biometrics and Notifications.
  7. Save your Recovery Key in a secure, accessible place.
    • For example, you can take a screenshot or picture and save it in a secure cloud storage provider (e.g. Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, etc.).

Sign up on desktop browser

  1. Navigate to
  2. Enter your personal email address.
  3. Enter the one time passcode sent to your email address.
  4. Provide your first and last name to complete your Okta Personal profile.
  5. Select a mobile device type (i.e. iOS or Android).
  6. Follow the device-specific steps to finish setting up your account.
  7. Save your Recovery Key in a secure, accessible place.
    • For example, you can take a screenshot or picture and save it in a secure cloud storage provider (e.g. Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, etc.).

Next steps

Install the Okta Browser Plugin

Install Okta Personal for iOS

Install Okta Personal for Android

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